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To Donald Trump, From an American With Diabetes

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Dear President Trump,

Today you were sworn into become President of the United States.

As you were being sworn in, thousands of insulin dependent diabetics had to make a choice. Should they take a full dose of insulin and ensure their blood sugars don’t go high, or should they save some in an effort to try and make it through the month? I am one of the lucky ones, I have the resources to have private insurance. However, even with private insurance my Novolog insulin runs me over $400 out of pocket. Now imagine if I didn’t have insurance, that number would be in the thousands.

Sir, there are millions of Americans who depend on the Affordable Care Act to survive. For these Americans, the ACA isn’t merely some bill or something to argue over in the Senate, it’s a matter of life and death.

Please Donald, before you repeal the ACA, be sure to have a replacement. Why don’t you incorporate the millions of Americans who live with a chronic illness into the discussion of a replacement? The ACA isn’t perfect, but it has saved lives.

Drug prices are still too high, and far too many Americans go without vital medication because they cannot afford it, but the ACA has granted millions access to affordable health insurance, something that seemed like a dream 10 years ago.

Donald, I would invite you to listen to those with chronic illnesses and other health problems. Listen to the American people.

After all, didn’t the American people put you in office in the first place?

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Originally published: January 20, 2017
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