Chronic Pain Haikus: A Complaint-Based Art Form That Describes the Pain of EDS
September is Pain Awareness Month, but as someone with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, I’d say I’m pretty much aware of pain, in particular my own, basically all of the time.
• What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?
• What Are Common Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Symptoms?
Recently, I’ve been dealing with my chronic pain by communicating out in a “complaint based art form” I call “Chronic Pain Haikus.”
I’ve written a part two to my previous round of haikus, and I once again hope they will bring a laugh or smile of wry recognition to my fellow pain warriors. Keep up the good fight!
My dear, darling calf:
What the fuck is your mother
Fucking damage, bitch?
Harrowingly, I
Lost the remote in
The bedsheets today.
I will not let the
Pain win. I am collected,
Grounded, calm, furry.
What is this hollow
Pain? Bone Pain? Nerve? Muscles? Cursed
By mine enemies?
I’ll just stretch my foot.
Rotate and dear god snapping
why why stop it why
I’ve named this knot in
My hamstring Garry. He peers
From my thigh and groans.
Feels steadily worse.
Checks supplement side effects.
That explains last month.
La la la my legs
La la when is this over
Such pain wow la la
Makin’ breathin’ terrible.
Dear fuck. Not coughin’!
So, my shoulder hurts.
And my hip. And I gotta
Say, I’m pissed ‘bout it.
Sometimes, I missed school,
Because of “growing pains” that
Feel the same today.
Crack. Crack. Ca-RACK!
Part arch, ankle, and big toe,
All along my calf!
How can my ankle
Ache into a three foot cloud
Of pain and bullshit?
You had your chance, legs.
Tomorrow, I tattle on
You to the pain doc.
Message from my thighs:
Argh No Why Please Make It Stop
Message concluded.
I miss you, high heels.
My body does, too, and it
Makes it hard to walk.