Why #latestagelymedisease #smartportimplanted
I don’t understand why everything has to cause a collision of issues all at once...I had my new port implanted on Friday-a 45 min procedure that took https://2.5hrs bc my heart stopped(I wasn’t even sedated) now I have bronchitis & an upper respiratory infection, it’s almost Christmas & it’s the first one in our new home. I should be happy right now, I used to love decorating the tree & house. At this moment both my girls & hubs are waiting for me to come downstairs so we can decorate but all I can do is cry bc of the pain, bc of the sickness, bc of the fact there’s no damn cure for #LymeDisease so I just don’t know why I fight sooo hard when I’m never going to win...I feel so defeated...anyone else ever feel like this?? #idontwanttodoanything #everythingisoverwhelming #ihatethisdisease #findacureforLyme