Hello all I'm sadie. I'm an addict I was using meth for approx. 6 years honestly feels like it was only a couple I barely remember anything from the last few years I remember starting and I remember quiting but the stuff between is blurry. I've been sober now for almost 60 days!! But recently with my mental health and illnesses it's been tough I havent had insurance to go to the doctor to get my meds so I've been trying to cope with it all my boyfriend who I've been with for almost 5 years but I've known him for about 10 is really the only person who talks to me and it gets hard for him some days and he gets mad because o say things after i get a scenario in my head and i hurt my own feelings and over react about it. I guess that's all I have for now. I'll see you all later Blessed Be! #hopingforthebest