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44 Memes That Nail What It's Like to Have Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that affects an estimated 10 million people in the United States, according to the National Fibromyalgia Association.

Symptoms are unpredictable and vary for everyone, but they generally include severe pain, fatigue, abnormal pain processing, sleep disorders, problems with cognitive functioning, migraines, anxiety and depression. While millions of people live with fibromyalgia, many misconceptions still surround the disorder.

The Mighty teamed up with Fibromyalgia Awareness and and asked their community to share their favorite memes (some funny, some painfully honest) that represent what life with fibromyalgia is like.


fibromyalgia meme: fibromyalgia won't kill us. it just follows us around attacking us like wild dogs

Amanda Wagner


fibromyalgia meme: i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!

Lynda Brumbeloe Jones


fibromyalgia meme: invisible illnesses. learn about them. this is how i look. this is how i feel.

Robbye Olive


pain lets you know you are still alive. man I feel so alive right now

Crystal Rollosson


if you could see my invisible illness would you finally believe i'm in pain

Abi Older


fibromyalgia meme: i don't always have the spoons to get anything done, but when i do i get everything done.

Cheryl Ledwidge


fibromyalgia meme: ever had that feeling where you just want to jump right out of bed? me neither.

Pam Jewell


fibromyalgia meme: and the award for acting normal when you have a crap load of pain goes to me!

Kalani J. Brickhouse


fibromyalgia meme: brain fog day to do list

Andrea Mohr Delaney


fibromyalgia, also known as 50 shades of fatigue

Holly Hoffmeister Toulouse


god gives us only what we can handle. apparently god thinks i'm a bad ass.

Vivi Haugaard Betzer


fibromyalgia meme: i was trying to get outta bed but i got tired.

Connie Quatkemeyer


fibromyalgia meme: the worst feeling in the world is to be in so much pain and to have nobody know that you are even hurting.

Tiffany Carr


I have fibromyalgia and if I hear one more person say 'but you don't look sick' I will not be held responsible for my actions

Donna Ingram Doyle


fibromyalgia meme: don't hug me too tightly! my fibromyalgia is flaring up, my meds are wearing off and i'm feeling a tad psychotic.

Kalani J. Brickhouse


fibro's a real pain in my everything

Connie Quatkemeyer


fibromyalgia meme: i'm not lazy, i am on energy saving mode.

Elizabeth Cortes


the faces of fibromyalgia

Jackie M. Williams


tell me one more time my pain can't be that bad

Sherry Wilson Edwards


fibromyalgia meme: i said i was awake, not functional

Leslie Jones


fibromyalgia meme: pain that makes you want to walk away from your body.

Amy Coyne


fibromyalgia meme: i lost my mind in the fibromyalgia fog bank off the coast of WTF happened to me island

KD Niles


fibromyalgia meme: my mind says 'get up' my body says 'bite me'

Leslie Jones


fibromyalgia meme: unless you have to rest in the shower, you have no idea what fatigue is

Chrystie Kilbourn-Terry


here is a picture of the social life of someone with chronic pain. just fascinating, isn't it?

Kalani J. Brickhouse


fibromyalgia meme: yeah i'm gonna get stuff done today. fibromyalgia: nope.

Kalani J. Brickhouse


fibromyalgia meme: fybromyalgia definition

Anne Watercott Kotzenmacher


fibromyalgia meme: oh what's that you say? i don't look sick? well.. you don't look stupid but...

Michelle Nath


fibromyalgia meme: what my doctor thinks, what drug companies think i'm made of, how society sees me, how my boss sees me, wheat my friends think i've become, how i feel.

Robbye Olive


fibromyalgia meme: i battle fibro, what's your superpower?

Ellen Fraser-Wilson


fibromyalgia meme: keep calm and pretend your fibromyalgia magically disappeared... ha! didn't work did it?

Lynda Brumbeloe Jones


fibromyalgia meme: like having a hangover... only without the party.

Amy Coyne


fibro problems: feeling like you need to strip off your t-shirt because it's putting too much pressure on your skin

Angie Harper Hall


fibromyalgia meme: fibro tip: know your limits. recognize when your strength is fading and take a break before you hit the wall.

Lynda Brumbeloe Jones


fibromyalgia meme: warning! i'm a pain when i'm in pain.

Lynda Brumbeloe Jones


fibromyalgia meme: want to imagine what fibromyalgia is like? enjoy your symptoms.

Tammy Lynn Gowler


unless you have chronic pain, I suggest you shut your mouth before thinking of commenting on any of my coping methods

Sandra R Branson Orsi


fibromyalgia meme: F U, fibro... F U.

Lynda Brumbeloe Jones


fibromyalgia meme: when i'm feeling down and someone says 'suck it up' i get the urge to break their legs and say 'walk it off'

Michelle Nath


fibromyalgia meme: i'm pretty tough. but some days my body just says NOPE.

Lynda Brumbeloe Jones


fibromyalgia meme: i've decided to take exercising more seriously. today i moved to the left. tomorrow, i go right.

Sue Klobertanz


fibromyalgia meme: this is bullshit.

Reagan Wig Ely


fibromyalgia meme: please try to hide your surprise at my disease history and my age - I know i'm special, thanks for confirmation.

Kelly Miklethun-Shimp


the cat in the hat on fibromyalgia

Amy Coyne


Originally published: December 9, 2015
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