It all started with, “So, it looks like you have fibromyalgia.”
My 15 year old mind did not know how to handle this information. I was already diagnosed with arthritis and now I had another chronic illness to add to the list. The thing with a diagnosis is, there are conflicting emotions of happiness, sadness, and shock. Should I be happy I have an answer to the pain? Should I be sad because I will forever be in this sharp pain?
- What is Fibromyalgia?
- What Are Common Fibromyalgia Symptoms?
Little did I know I would hear sentences begin with “so” over and over again.
“So, have you tried acupuncture?”
“So, have you talked to your doctor about medications like on the commercials?”
“So, what are you going to when you have kids?”
“So, have you tried cannabidiol oil?”
For the last 11 years, this is the majority of the responses I receive when I say, “I have fibromyalgia.”
I wish it was different. I wish I didn’t have to reveal a “secret” that I hide behind my makeup and smile. Sometimes, I don’t want to talk about how many milligrams of the medication I take daily. I don’t want to talk about how I give myself a shot each week. Trust me, I don’t want to be in pain. I have a team of doctors behind me. They will guide me down the right path.
I am more than my medications. I am more than my pain. I am more than my diagnosis.
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