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Thank You Lady Gaga for Being So Honest About Your Health Struggles

Dear Lady Gaga,

I’m a 23-year-old writer who’s been struggling with anxiety, major depression, fibromyalgia and arthritis for quite a long time now.

I just saw “Five Foot Two,” and let me congratulate you for your immense courage and honesty of showing yourself. Your true self.

I couldn’t help but cry when I saw you breaking down, because it was absolutely pure. It was artistic in a way very few people get.


You are a music star. You are a celebrity. You’ve got millions of fans, and dollars, and everything, and most people will tend to think that’s enough.

But I get it. I’m not you – clearly I’m not a successful star – but I’ve had so many moments in which people would come up to me and tell me, “Why are you depressed when you are so much luckier than others who have it worse?” And I know you know it, I know I’m probably not the first one to tell you this, but it’s perfectly OK to be how you are. To have breakdowns. To feel that life is more than what you can take.

I was absolutely grateful and inspired that you decided to come clean about who you are. And I feel you really opened up, with the courage of turning a family tragedy into a resurrection.

I admire you, because I don’t know how you do it. How you can put a smile on your face and get there in order to give your fans a few minutes in heaven where dreams come true. God knows if I had to battle with my demons and add to them the power of fame, I probably would break down. You are absolutely strong and way more courageous than you may feel.

If I feel I can barely walk and get out of bed, I truly admire you for going out there, dancing and jumping. You may break down after it, but you gave beyond what you’ve got and what your body is able to handle in order to give others joy. That shows the immensity of your heart.

Last but not least, thank you for paying tribute to Joanne, and with your story, to all of us who struggle with chronic illnesses that are often unrecognized and stigmatized. May we have a more educated society, better treatments and the quality of life we deserve thanks to courageous souls like yours who make our struggle visible.

In the name of the community, I thank you. May God bless you. May you have many tomorrows filled with love and pain-free moments.

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Lead photo courtesy of Lady Gaga’s Facebook page

Originally published: September 27, 2017
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