How My Friends Have Supported Me in My Food Allergy Journey
To my friends,
Thank you for wanting to learn more about my dietary restrictions. Thank you for not telling me it is all in my head or that I should eat more of my allergens and sensitivities to gain more of a tolerance. Thank you for not excluding me from group outings that involve food. Thank you for letting me choose the venue based on where I know I can eat. Thank you for asking me about my restrictions before eating your own food during class because you are unsure of the severity of my allergies and how I handle airborne allergens.
I am still relatively new to living with dietary restrictions. I am still trying to get a handle on everything. Just when I think I am living my best life, allergen and intolerance free, I have another episode — for lack of a better word. I have days when I have no idea what I ate, inhaled or touched through cross-contact that made me feel terrible. Your concern has made me tear up (and occasionally cry) because I feel so blessed to have friends who care as much as you.
I do not care if you accidentally ask me if I want to try a bite of your brownie or cookie. I care that you apologized for making the offer on accident, even when I can tell you asked without thinking. I thank you for showing enough concern for my health to genuinely apologize for potentially putting it at risk, even if on accident.
I have allergies to barley and malt that I discovered a little over a year ago. Through many talks with my allergist and lots of trial-and-error, we discovered my body is intolerant to the legume family (soy, peanuts, beans, lentils, etc.), has serious issues with gluten, does not tolerate seafood, and is sensitive to bananas and avocados.
I have always experienced general health and digestive issues. Five or six years ago, both began to decline even more. I had brushed off my discomfort and pain. Sometimes I still do. It is because of friends like you that I finally talked to a gastroenterologist about my gluten intolerance being more than just an intolerance or sensitivity. It is because of you that I can officially find out whether or not I have celiac disease, an autoimmune disease that runs in my family.
Not everyone is as amazing as you. I have met too many people who have made me feel like I was overreacting and imagining my physical pain and discomfort. I have been “glutened” numerous times by waiters who do not know what gluten is or assume that I am ordering the gluten-free meal because of a fad despite warning them of my allergy.
You never made me feel “crazy.” You never questioned my reasoning aside from curiosity. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Your friend with chronic illness.
Photo by Johanna Dahlberg on Unsplash