Meet the twins everyone! 😊❤️
Momo and Sunnie are two cute sisters that live together in a house call Mind. They are the total opposite of eachother but they are united by a magical bond.

MOMO: pretty child like. She is a smart but blurry sleeping beauty that love good food, sleeping and close herself in her bubble. She doesn't like to socialize and she is not really bothered by time or what it's around her. She like to live in her own world and often uses her abilities to change the world around her to fit more her selfish needs.
Warning: be very careful around her because you might end up lost in her way of living pretty easily 😅. The ability to change the reality that she lives in can often create a mess and make you trap in a dream like state.

SUNNIE: she is the mature one of the two. She is driven by discipline, passion and will power. She is a hardworking badass girl that bows down to noone and keep the place organized and healthy. Sunnie work in collaboration with the "Persona Alliance". A group of sentient beings that keep her strong and help her to deal with any kind of issues. They also help to clean up the mess that Momo creates sometimes.
Warning: she is a good influence but often push herself too hard and forget that resting in not a weakness. When that happens Momo will collaborate with the "Persona Alliance" and help her sister to chill and take it slow until she will be able to get back on her feet.
As soon as Sunnie goes back up the "Persona Alliance" will cut Momo out for precaution. Ahahah they don't trust her.

CONCLUSION: Momo represents my foggy and depressive state of mind. Sunnie represents my will power to get better and work on myself. They will collide now and then along the path like sisters that fight. Sometimes one will prevail and some other time the other one will. Both can create a mess but there will be time where their collaboration will be vital for have balance.
The "Persona Alliance" are the voices of self-love, self care, the desire to get better, the love for life, the love for God if you are religious and many others that are the reasons for keep going towards a better future and a happier self.

I like to give a story at the characters I draw so yah eheh

Have a nice day everyone 😊❤️🤗😉❤️

#MentalHealth #Depression #smileandlove #FunWayToExplainIt #drawoftheday #creativemood #Hugs #haveaniceday