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The Small Tricks That Help Me Cope With Brain Fog

Brain fog is rough. For me, it happens during a flare, so brain fog isn’t the only thing I’m coping with at that time. I’ve learned a few little tricks to help me get through the work day.

1. Get ready the night before.

I know I’m going to oversleep and move slowly, so I don’t have time in the morning to try to remember what I need. I lay out my clothes and put them in the bathroom, usually going as far as hanging them on the towel rack in the order I put them on. Socks on the very bottom because I put them on last and underwear on top because I put that on first. I put my purse close to the refrigerator so that I don’t forget the lunch I packed and I put my water bottle in that lunch bag.

2. Put the alarm clock across the room.

I still use an old-fashioned alarm clock, and I put it across the room so that I can’t hit the snooze button endlessly.

3. Leave your phone in the other room at bedtime.

It took some getting used to, but I’ve started charging my phone in the other room. I wake up during the night sometimes and having it right beside me is too easy to grab it and get caught up in something silly instead of going back to sleep. I put it on a setting that calls will come through but everything else is silent.

4. Get a pill container.

I know, I know. We’re too young for that. But using a pill container where I can lay out my medication and supplements for the week saves a ton of time instead of getting everything out from their individual bottles in the morning. I didn’t like it at first but now it makes things easier. It’s nice for traveling, too. I got mine for $1 at the grocery store.

5. Keep a little notepad with you.

I use a small notepad to keep myself on track during the day. I use it for grocery lists and to-do lists, whatever else I need to jot down. I don’t like to use my cell phone for that because when I get my phone out, I always want to check messages or email or otherwise get distracted. And then I forget to make the note I needed. If it’s really important, I text a friend to remind me – “My earrings are in the console of my car. Remind me to bring them in tonight.”

6. Keep your favorite thing everywhere.

I use Chapstick all day, every day. It’s a small thing, easy to lose. So I keep two in my purse, one in my work bag, one in my car, another in my desk and a few extras in the silverware drawer in my kitchen. It’s a little over-enthusiastic, I admit, but I never have to worry about not having it.

7. Finally, keep a change of clothes in the car.

It’s easy to forget that you have to do something you aren’t appropriately dressed for. I keep old jeans and a tank top in the car so that I can change after work, church, the gym, whatever I’m doing. I just feel better being prepared. It’s come in handy more than once.

I’d love to hear your little tricks. What works for you?

Getty Image by Rawpixel

Originally published: February 26, 2018
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