Since I have Hashimoto’s disease, there are some questions that make me cringe. I think they are odd, actually. Here are some frequent ones that I’ve gotten that you may have heard. These questions look simple to the naked eye, but to someone like me with this disease, they can be fightin’ words!
1. Them: “What are you doing after work?”
Me: “After work?!”
One of the many delightful symptoms of Hashimoto’s is chronic fatigue. This happens to be one of my more prominent symptoms. When someone asks me what I’m doing after work, I’m stunned! They don’t get it, work is what I’m doing for the day. There are no after work, away from home plans after that! So what am I doing after work? I’m recovering from having been to work. With this disease, I can typically fit in one main thing a day. Once I schedule that, my calendar is closed. No openings!
2. Them: “Can I turn the air on?”
Me: “Can you do what!?”
Another phenomenal symptom of Hashimoto’s is intolerance to cold. I’m not talking about being a little chilly. I’m not even talking about grabbing a little cute shawl to cover your arms. I’m talking about run for cover, find the thickest blanket and try your best to deal, type of cold. When everyone else in the room is perfectly comfortable, I am normally freezing, chatter teeth freezing. So, asking about the devil of an air conditioner means you want to fight. I’ll be fighting wearing two sweaters and three pairs of socks, but I will fight. Go ahead and turn that air on, at your own risk.
3. Them: “Are you getting thicker?”
Me: Grabs sweaters to fight.
Unexplained weight gain and the war of losing said weight is another treat I have with Hashimoto’s. My lower half is especially the victim of my weight gain. One time I looked at a picture of myself and could not believe those legs were on my body! It didn’t even look like me.
4. Them: “Can’t you just cheer up?”
Me: “Just get away from me.”
Depression. Anxiety. Yeah those are bonuses that tend to come with Hashimoto’s as well. Unexplained bad moods, unexplained anxiety, and sadness are things I have to deal with. Sometimes, when I am in a happy situation doing something I enjoy, my mind often rushes to something worrisome. A problem at work, my body image, etc. This is so hard to deal with, and super unpredictable. I am generally a happy natured person, only to suffer with bouts of depression due to this disease. It is no joke. And no, we cannot just cheer the hell up, that’s not how this works at all.
You are not alone in the fight against these questions! Let’s fight together!
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Thinkstock Image By: amazingmikael