My feet are huge. 2 days ago I emailed my doctor but I haven't heard back. I'm gonna schedule an appointment to discuss my lymphedema. She said if it got worse we could talk about it and yeah it got worse. I gave the new meds 3 weeks. And I can't find anywhere to get compression socks with my insurance. I'm so stressed out.
And the pharmacy my doctor sent the script for dexcom to doesn't accept my insurance either. So I gotta find a different one that will deliver.
My caseworker from yesterday found the info page for the surgeon my neuro-ophthalmologist referred me to. The page had a link to request an appointment so I filled it out. I'm hoping to hear back.
I am so anxious about eye surgery. I've had a lot of surgeries over the last 9 years and I've done really well with handling it. I even had major back surgery 2 and a half years ago. But for some reason eye surgery scares me the most.
Just thinking about it is making me cry. So I'm just gonna lay here and drink my coffee and cry for a bit.