Concerned "Marilyn" the religious nut will start with her harassment again . This lady told me if I believed in her "God" I would be able to sleep and would not suffer. Yet here she was in a group related to insomnia. She constantly harassed my posts with her religious monologues, blaming me for what I was going through. She knew nothing about me or my beliefs. I kindly asked her to keep those comments off my posts as it was disrespectful. She posted same thing on another of my posts. I tried blocking her and someone how she was always unblocked. I asked staff they only instructed me how to block her, which didn't work... So I deleted my account.
Religion is personal, not everyone will agree with you. Find like minded folks, if you don't know a person keep religion out of your comment.
Respect my boundaries and beliefs, I'll respect yours.
#Religion #preaching #unsolicitedpreaching #harass ment #respectothersboundaries #keepunsolicitedbeliefstoyourow nposts