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° " Hey There! Mightie's... " ° #Drained #Insomnia #Depression

○ " So For The Passed Three Week's I Have Been Working Alot More Day's Less Hour's. And I Have Been Finding Myself Getting Severely Angry Alot... But I Feel That I Have All Of My Bosse's Taking Full Advantage Of My Kindness... By Making Stay Late... Doing Extra Everything For Them. But I Feel Like I Should Get A Raise After Working My Body To The Point Where I Can't Get Up To Move... Or Get Out Of Bed.. My Pain Lvl Is Alway's 10+... I Have Asked Three Time's For A Raise. And My Bosse's Come Up With Excuse's All The Time. Eben The D.M. Also... So What I'm Grinding... Away Extra Hour's And Day's For Less Pay... I'm Worth So Much More... And They All Don't Care... I'm So Drained And Severely Depressed All The Time Now... And My Anger Issue's Seem To Be Getting Worse..."• Sincerely, ☆S.K. ☆ #Anxiety

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Will sharing my abuse infull to someone, help me with flashbacks and hallucinations?

I have been suffering very badly with nightly hallucinations of my abuser (he always looks as he did when I was 7 years old). I see him behind me in reflective surfaces like windows and mirrors at night (so have covered all these up) and when I see him, he can appear from behind doors, pop up behind me or sometimes I feel as though I have his hand on my shoulder or he is behind me. Every night is like a horror movie - with jump scares and a continued sense of foreboding.

Has anyone else suffered with these symptoms and if so, how have you coped?

I have found that they lead to intense flashbacks, where I black out and fall or I try to find a corner to hide in. When I come too and aware, I feel like a child for the rest of the evening, so it has led to insomnia and a fear of closing my eyes.

I have been waiting on a therapists list for over 12 months now and have just been told I have another 3-6 months to go before a therapist will become available.

I haven't had the opportunity to share my past in full with anyone and was wondering if this would help exercise the demons of constantly seeing him, every night?

If anyone has had a similar experience or can offer me any guidance on how to cope with these symptoms for the next 3-6 months, I would be forever grateful.

Sending thoughts of love and hope to you all xx

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Will explaining my abuse in full to someone help me to deal with the trauma?

I have been suffering very badly with nightly hallucinations of my abuser (he always looks as he did when I was 7 years old). I see him behind me in reflective surfaces like windows and mirrors at night (so have covered all these up) and when I see him, he can appear from behind doors, pop up behind me or sometimes I feel as though I have his hand on my shoulder or he is behind me. Every night is like a horror movie - with jump scares and a continued sense of foreboding.

Has anyone else suffered with these symptoms and if so, how have you coped?

I have found that they lead to intense flashbacks, where I black out and fall or I try to find a corner to hide in. When I come too and aware, I feel like a child for the rest of the evening, so it has led to insomnia and a fear of closing my eyes.

I have been waiting on a therapists list for over 12 months now and have just been told I have another 3-6 months to go before a therapist will become available.

I haven't had the opportunity to share my past in full with anyone and was wondering if this would help exercise the demons of constantly seeing him, every night?

If anyone has had a similar experience or can offer me any guidance on how to cope with these symptoms for the next 3-6 months, I would be forever grateful.

Sending thoughts of love and hope to you all xx

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Will describing all of my abuse to someone, give me any relief?

I have been suffering very badly with nightly hallucinations of my abuser (he always looks as he did when I was 7 years old). I see him behind me in reflective surfaces like windows and mirrors at night (so have covered all these up) and when I see him, he can appear from behind doors, pop up behind me or sometimes I feel as though I have his hand on my shoulder or he is behind me. Every night is like a horror movie - with jump scares and a continued sense of foreboding.

Has anyone else suffered with these symptoms and if so, how have you coped?

I have found that they lead to intense flashbacks, where I black out and fall or I try to find a corner to hide in. When I come too and aware, I feel like a child for the rest of the evening, so it has led to insomnia and a fear of closing my eyes.

I have been waiting on a therapists list for over 12 months now and have just been told I have another 3-6 months to go before a therapist will become available.

I haven't had the opportunity to share my past in full with anyone and was wondering if this would help exercise the demons of constantly seeing him, every night?

If anyone has had a similar experience or can offer me any guidance on how to cope with these symptoms for the next 3-6 months, I would be forever grateful.

Sending thoughts of love and hope to you all xx

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Will describing all of my abuse to someone, give me any relief?

I have been suffering very badly with nightly hallucinations of my abuser (he always looks as he did when I was 7 years old). I see him behind me in reflective surfaces like windows and mirrors at night (so have covered all these up) and when I see him, he can appear from behind doors, pop up behind me or sometimes I feel as though I have his hand on my shoulder or he is behind me. Every night is like a horror movie - with jump scares and a continued sense of foreboding.

Has anyone else suffered with these symptoms and if so, how have you coped?

I have found that they lead to intense flashbacks, where I black out and fall or I try to find a corner to hide in. When I come too and aware, I feel like a child for the rest of the evening, so it has led to insomnia and a fear of closing my eyes.

I have been waiting on a therapists list for over 12 months now and have just been told I have another 3-6 months to go before a therapist will become available.

I haven't had the opportunity to share my past in full with anyone and was wondering if this would help exercise the demons of constantly seeing him, every night?

If anyone has had a similar experience or can offer me any guidance on how to cope with these symptoms for the next 3-6 months, I would be forever grateful.

Sending thoughts of love and hope to you all xx

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How has your sleep been? 💤

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks has been adjusting her sleep schedule after Daylight Saving Time kicked in this past weekend where she lives. She's feeling exhausted trying to catch up—losing an hour has felt like losing an entire night! 😩🛌

How has everyone else been sleeping lately?

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #Insomnia #RareDisease #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Autism #Parenting #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #MultipleSclerosis #Migraine #Spoonie

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Hey guys, I’m new here!^^

the reason is I have too much mental and physical health problems like anxiety, BDD, insomnia, trust issues, selfharm and self hate. And I just don’t want to live this way anymore, so I’m looking for some help so I can cope though my hard times …

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I NEED A freaking break!

My mind, my body and my soul is freaking tired. I was praying for a better year. I just turned 35 on February 28th and of course I barely look like I’m still in my early 20’s.

Again, I’m questioning my purpose. It’s like I did something wrong within the universe to feel like I’m struggling by myself while people watch.

I didn’t loose everything single thing completely since being wrongfully terminated by my last job in December 2023, however, all the things I was able to pay for including most utilities were cancelled due to non payment, exhausted the $300 I had in my IRA, the state only give me $292 in food stamps, I still can’t make income, can’t find work, and just nothing is working.

My #Insomnia with my #Depression just gets worse, my motivation is completely shot and everyday I just don’t even feel like getting up anymore. I even have a degree in design and visual art and apply everywhere under the sun and I just feel like an absolute failure.

I just go through the motions at this point because I know I still have to work out to keep my #Fibromyalgia symptoms down.

I don’t know what to do anymore and I feel like I can’t do anything right.

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I'm so exhausted

I think I might have gotten 3 hours of sleep last night while sitting on the couch. When I wake up at 5am I take my night meds and waddle back to my bed but I'll be damned if I can sleep at all. And it's especially bad on days when I have doctor appointments. I decide well fuck it, I'll just make coffee earlier than normal. I sit next to pauley all night but we don't really interact much. *Shrug*

#Relationships #Insomnia

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