Unbeknownst to me, I was diagnosed as having Lupus SLE in 1998. In 2013 a Dr wanted to test me for it. However, I used to care for my late ex-mom-n-law. (I knew the signs and symptoms) So when the Dr said he wanted to test me, I told him NO. Why, you may ask. Well to be totally transparent, I was in DENIAL. So in 2018 when my symptoms got worse, I requested my Dr to run the tests. These tests were ran twice by one Dr... with an UNDENIABLE POSITIVE. So I get sent to a Specialist and again my tests where with an UNDENIABLY POSITIVE. Now it's 2020 my Lupus is all over the map, with flare-up after flare-up. I still have yet to start treatment. My question to everyone is: am I better off just managing it with diet and homoeopathics or alternative treatment. Or am I better off going with the traditional western medicine? I've known of several people that have/had Lupus. From Neonatal, Discoid, Subacute Cutaneous, Drug-induced, or Acute Cutaneous Lupus. Of which all were treated with Western Medicine and they're overall health was horrible!! Were as, myself is concerned. My health is good for the most part, considering I'm an untreated immunocompromised patient. Open for discussion, comments and/or concerns. But, only if delivered with love and concern. No belittling or shaming!!