To the People Who Hold My Hand Through the Hardest Times
The passing of David Bowie, my friend’s young husband (he died at 54 years old from ALS brought on by Lyme disease), and my father-in-law have really been weighing heavily on me. I am 46 years old now, battling Lyme disease and five other chronic conditions, and I feel like it’s the end of an era.
I am no longer in my 20s or 30s, and life is passing by quickly. It seems the older I get, the faster the time flies.
I constantly read about the untimely death of so many, due to illness, violence or accidents.
We never know when our time will come.
We shouldn’t spend our days contemplating this, however, we should spend our days being thankful and giving thanks. Planning for the future but living in the moment. Enjoying and spending time with our loved ones. Helping others.
In case I have fewer moments left than expected, I wanted to write this letter. Please feel free to share it if you like it or if you can relate to it.
To All Those Who Have Ever Been Kind to Me:
I have lived many years. I have seen many things. But what I remember the most are the encounters with those who have been kind to me.
Some were friends, some were family, many were complete strangers. You gave me a sweet smile, a pat on the back and you opened many doors for me.
You helped me grow, you helped me relocate, you helped me move on. When I was down, you helped pick me up. When I was happy, you shared my joy.
You served me many meals, you sold me many items that I needed to survive, you drove me where I needed to go. You helped me when I dropped my groceries, you helped me when I dropped the ball, you carried my luggage to the airport. You provided my medicine, you provided me with shelter on a cold night, you provided me with companionship.
You taught me literature, you taught me how to sew, you taught me how to live.
You paid the bill when I was low on cash, you held my hand through the hardest times, you never let go.
You walk by me every day, you see me at family gatherings, you are a pleasant memory.
I am thankful for every single one of you who were kind to me and who showed me how to be kind. I am glad I met you.
I am forever grateful, and I will never forget you in this life or the next.
I will take you with me wherever I go.
For you are in my heart, my soul and my mind.
I hope you have a blessed life. I hope you live a life filled with love and happiness.
For you brought happiness into my life, you deserve my eternal gratitude and the best that life has to offer.
You are my poetry.
Thank you for showing me how beautiful life is, and for providing me with the subject for all of my poems.