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To the Cashier Who Looked at My Green Wig and Said, 'Can I Ask Why?'

I stopped at a gas station on my way back from my oncologist visit. Upon entry to the store, I picked up an energy drink and a snack for the ride back home. When I was checking out at the counter, the receptionist look at me rather judgmentally and asked (while looking at the green colored wig I wore today), “Can I ask why?” in a rather rude and judgmental voice.

I didn’t say anything, because my transaction just finished and I was in a rush to get home, but I wish I did. I wish I told her, “Cancer, hope that makes you feel better now” and left. Yet, I kept silent.

I have worked in the service industry before. When I did, I always kept comments to myself about a customer/client’s appearance. If I liked their appearance, I complimented them (especially if it was something related to body modification like colored hair or a pretty tattoo), and it was always heartwarming to see their face light up.

I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in October 2018. I am almost done with chemotherapy, having two more left. It’s gotten to the point where my hair has thinned out so much that to feel presentable to society, I wear a wig. I have wigs all colors of the rainbow  —  both natural and unnatural colored.

Oddly enough, it is near Saint Patrick’s Day as of the day of this post and I wore a green wig. If anything, the gas station lady could have thought it was related to that. However, she chose to make a judgmental comment about my wig instead.

You don’t know someone’s story. It is not your place to make a rude and/or judgmental comment about someone’s appearance. Especially if you work in the service industry.

Getty photo by BlueLela

Originally published: April 5, 2019
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