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Husband Finds Creative Way to Remind Wife With Depression That He Loves Her

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In order to be there for his wife during a difficult time, one husband made an incredibly sweet gesture.

Imgur user “mollywho” describes herself as being “mentally ill” and says she’s been feeling depressed lately in a post on Imgur. She goes on to explain the various pressures weighing on her and her difficulty in seeing the good in herself and the world. On a day when she was especially feeling these pressures, her husband decided to remind her of all her good qualities.

He wrote a long list on her mirror of all the reasons her loves her. The reasons range from “She is the kindest person I know,” to “She went to a strip club with me,” to “She has experienced severe tragedy but yet is the most optimistic person about humanity that I know.”

I've been juggling a LOT lately. Trying to move up the (ahem) corporate latter. Just got married. Couldn't afford a wedding. Family is sparse. Falling out with friends, yaddadyadda. But, the thing is, amidst all the struggle, my husband has relentlessly tried to cheer me up. I've not been the east person to deal with. In fact, sometimes I've said the cruelest most hateful words to my new husband. But he somehow forgives me every time. I have a long journey ahead of me, and I know he probably realizes I'm mentally ill. But he holds my hand, and he tries his best. Today when I came home from a trip to SF, I flopped onto my bed in tears. I looked to my left, and saw these words painted all across my mirror. I think he wanted me to remember how much he loves me. Because he knows how quickly I forget. He knows I struggle to see good in the world, and especially the good in myself. But here it is. A testament and gesture of his love. Damn, I needed it today…

Her post reads:

I’ve been juggling a lot lately. Trying to move up the (ahem) corporate latter. Just got married. Couldn’t afford a wedding. Family is sparse. Falling out with friends, yadda yadda. But, the thing is, amidst all the struggle, my husband has relentlessly tried to cheer me up. I’ve not been the easiest person to deal with. In fact, sometimes I’ve said the cruelest, most hateful words to my new husband. But he somehow forgives me every time.

I have a long journey ahead of me, and I know he probably realizes I’m mentally ill. But he holds my hand and he tries his best. Today, when I came home from a trip to San Francisco, I flopped onto my bed in tears. I looked to my left and saw these words painted all across my mirror. I think he wanted me to remember how much he loves me. Because he knows how quickly I forget. He knows I struggle to see good in the world and especially the good in myself. But here it is. A testament and gesture of his love. Damn, I needed it today.


h/t Metro UK

Originally published: December 9, 2015
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