Dear Helper, From Someone With a Mental Illness
Dear Helper (psychiatrist, therapist, social worker, whoever you think you are),
You scare me. You are the one who knows the worst parts of me. I don’t trust you and this is not fun for me.
I need your help.
You have tools I need. Your compassion can heal me. Equally, your judgement can destroy me. You can break me, but I do not know if you can help me.
You scare me.
I like you and look up to you. I want to be like you. To have a job and be a productive, connected person. I expect you to think you are better than me.
I want you to know I am more than this. What you know of me is not me. My file has my name all over it, but nowhere in it am I found. I am more than your words, or your diagnosis.
You will not control my life.
Please help.
A “Psych Patient” (friend, worker, lover, human being)
The Mighty is asking the following: Write a thank-you letter to someone you never expected you’d thank. Check out our Submit a Story page for more about our submission guidelines.