It’s not that I’m opposed to socializing or to others enjoying hanging out with their friends. I also know that the world is full of noises, and it cannot be quiet all the time. I didn’t want to be known as “that girl” who ruins all the fun.
Unfortunately, my dorm room is located next to a lobby that is used as a hangout spot. Please don’t get offended when I come out of my room and ask for the noise to be kept down. I know people like having fun, and I’m not trying to be rude or a “Debbie Downer,” but I have misophonia.
Other people’s socializing is fun for them, but torture to me. Misophonia causes sensitivity to specific sounds, and often causes a strong reaction. Everyone has their own specific sounds that triggers their misophonia. Trigger sounds can include chewing, tapping, sneezing, whistling and many more. For me, it is muffled talking. Hearing the mumbling of people talking in a room next to me sends me into a fight or flight response. Immediately, I feel my heart start to race and my breathing gets shorter and faster. I start to panic, and will often want to cry. I get angry and my first instinct is to get away from the source of the sound. Usually this means having to leave my dorm room, even at night, to run outside and attempt to calm down. Many times I cannot calm down and I am sent into a full panic attack. I just have to wait it out until the people leave.
Please don’t get offended if I ask for the noise to be kept low. I understand you may want to roll your eyes in annoyance, but I am just trying to protect my mental health. Having misophonia is a daily struggle, and just thinking about the trigger sound can put me on edge. Bringing awareness to this issue is important because misophonia isn’t often talked about and many do not understand. So, please be patient with those of us living with misophonia; we aren’t just trying to complain for no reason.
Photo by Dương Nhân from Pexels