Not sure if the moniker is obvious or not, but there is usually more to the story than meets the eye. Am I really patiently well? I’ll spare you the spin. Mostly… yes!
I consider myself a professional patient.
“Patiently well” was born of my experiences as a tenured patient, health professional and my enduring travels, both orthodox and unorthodox, to find healing. While I’m not interested in defining myself by my illness, there are days it bosses me around like a full-time job. Since the grass is not always greener, I’m grateful for the gig.
Patience is one of my superpowers.
Over time, I think I’m actually more resilient than patient, but I have skills in both areas. Long-term illness forced me to slow down and ease into a new pace and way of living. As an inherently tolerant person this wasn’t a huge stretch, but there has been no greater training than this j-o-b.
The truth is, healing takes time, isn’t always linear and requires discipline.
Good thing my staying power is on point!
Wellness is expansive.
Defining health by absence of symptoms or disease limits opportunities to be well. I used to think perfecting my diet, exercise and taking supplements would fix me. When it didn’t, I was forced to take a more holistic look at not only my health but my life (deep, man!). While I continue to practice and prioritize healthy lifestyle behaviors, I do so with more flexibility, levity and less dogma.
We are whole people, not lab reports, symptoms or body systems.
Patience, for me, doesn’t equate to giving up. I will always be invested and action-oriented. It does however loosen my grip, support the hard times and keep me hopeful. There is freedom and companionship in that.
Perks and benefits: Being patiently well earned me a seat on the Board of Directors. I might even wear my cape to the next meeting!
This post originally appeared on Patiently Well.
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Getty Image by Oksana_Bondar