I don’t usually actually post on here. I am crazy.
By every definition. I’m obsessed with being perfect and good hearted and stuff. I probably should be a scary person. But I’m not. I turn everything inward. I’m usually just afraid of myself......

Everyone says I’m pretty awesome. I wish I knew that for myself.
I’m trying really hard. Having one of my “normal me would not be able to handle this” and there’s so much pressure, right now
I’m actually in therapy. And it’s new. And uh. I think it’s helping. But it’s shocking that I’m even functioning..... and just trying to cope right now. All right let me try out some hashtags here. #HatesLaundry #DSDP . (DifferentDayDifferentPerson). #SelfdeprecationHumorIsTherapy #PrettySureImStillOk (why aren’t any of these hashtags popping up as used before? Social media is so confusing these days. ) #NeedsSunshine #AnxietyFeelsLike #screwit #MySurroundingsReflectMyStateOfBeing . Nope. Not good at hashtags yet. Time to go clean something. I have a small burst of energy and pain relief hitting. Took my prn Meds today. Time to push through and do what I can. Till I can’t. Won’t take long.
Oh gosh. Am I really gonna publish this public? Sure.
Okay. Fine. Post it. Maybe delete it later. But stop being afraid right?
..... 🤨