My Life With Narcolepsy – as Told by 'Anchorman' GIFs
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Like many other chronic illnesses, narcolepsy comes with some strange symptoms and, of course, a good dose of other people’s skepticism. Here’s a rendering of how it goes as told by Ron Burgundy and crew.
1. How people react when you first tell them you have narcolepsy…
2. …and then when you continue to explain your narcolepsy symptoms.
3. Their face as soon as something triggers your cataplexy and they finally see it firsthand.
4. When those sleep attacks start coming in like…
5. When you’re practicing controlled laughter but still want to let the other person know you thought they were funny.
6. Getting excited or laughings spontaneously.
7. When your cataplexy makes you take a tumble and you’re trying to play it off.
8. When the hypnagogic hallucinations kick in.
9. The conversation between your immune system and hypocretin…
10. …and your brain after.
11. Your doctor when they have a medication they think you should try.
12. But all jokes aside, living with a rare disorder really does make you kind of a big deal.
Can you relate? Let us know in the comments below.
Originally published: July 26, 2019