Switched Care Provider
I was seeing a Nurse Practioner a few miles from where I live. Well she just up and left. Didn't tell patients. Nothing. So I saw the Dr she was in with. Not a fan of him at all. He was one of those that kept saying Fibromyalgia was all in my head. There was no way anyone could be in that much pain all the time.
So I switched. I was recommended to another Nurse Practioner by a friend. I absolutely LOVE her. She came into the room and just talked to me about everything. No rush just talked. She changed all my meds around and ordered more testing. Apparently I tested positive for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Had no clue. She thinks that is part of my nerve damage. Come to find out why she is so good with Fibromyalgia patients..... She has it too. I'm so lucky to have found a provider that understands!!! Things are definitely looking up!!! #fibromyalgia #newprovider #Lucky #ChronicPain