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My 5 yr son with Down Syndrome is supposed to be starting kinder soon (changes day to day!) Any tips to help this mama not stress out so much?

#DownSyndrome #Nonverbal #Publicschool #Kindergarten


Loop #Autism

This shortfilm from pixar hits home. I cried and sobbed so much. My youngest brother of 5 who is non-verbal & autistic. And he stimulates just like the girl and makes vocal nosies but no words. It hits home because a lot of people just stare at him and act so weirded out by him. Like he is alien. Theres time people lecture him to stop being loud in public. But he is not conscience of what they are saying. Sometimes the people and sounds over stimulate him so he cant help but yell to release his emotions. I love that they are making more shorts for autism awareness. I am so worried about him and how he is not conscience of the dangers. I wish people wouldnt look at him so rudely. Or look at my mom and judge her for letting my brother throw a tantrum or yell. It is not her nor my brothers fault. Just because he is different doesnt mean he isnt human. I constantly tell him that he is not alone. That I love him the way he is. Even when he cant tell what I am saying to him. I fear someone will hurt him and he will have no way of communicating that to us. It just makes my heart warm when I see people try to be patient with people who are different. They may be different bu, they are still human. And my little brother may not say it to me. But I know he loves us too. And I would do anything for him❤
#Autism #AutismAwareness #Nonverbal



My beautiful granddaughter is 5. She is extremely intelligent even though she speaks very, very few words.

Has anyone else’s child successfully become verbal at a late age?

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My uncle has #CerebralPalsy. He has had it since birth. Last night, I joined him at a fundraiser for his day program where I got to watch him give a presentation using his #Zuvo to talk, since he is #Nonverbal nonverbal. I am so proud of all the hard work he has done to advocate for himself, and all the smiles he’s brought to the people around him. I am his legal guardian, and have been for just over a year. I love getting phone calls and emails from him! I especially enjoy the emails, because that means he is getting the most use out of his Zuvo! He also got his new wheelchair this past weekend, and he says it is so much more comfortable to sit in and easier to maneuver. Celebrating these things with him is so incredible. Watching him make these great strides is wonderful. I’m not sure how I got so lucky to have him for an uncle but I am certainly glad I’m his niece.