Growth. I talk about it all the time. I see my friends growing and doing better. I know what I'm doing to be better. I'm watching everyone put in work and SLAY! However, one thing that isn't talked about often and should be IS if someone, anyone, is working on themselves and working to be better then your opinion of them must also grow. I am not who I was 1, 2, 3, 5 years ago, BUT if that's the image you still hold of me....I will not let you have hold over my life or an opinion on my decisions. Your assumptions or opinions of me may have been correct then, but if they did not grow with me, you do not get an opinion. I have and will continue to be better. Do better. In that, I will not let you hold me to the faults of someone I no longer recognize. I know these words are blunt, but no one talks about it because there is no finesse in this statement. I've tried. It's pure honesty and if we are being honest: if this post makes you uncomfortable, please look around. Some of us are already uncomfortable having to fight our daily demons not to mention the demon that you still associate us with. Grow your opinion of a person with them or please don't have one at all.
