Wayne Haselberger is a student at Paw Paw Later Elementary School in Paw Paw, Michigan. He’s 11 years old and is in a class for students with special needs, Mlive.com reported.
During his school’s annual fifth grade track and field meet held on May 22, Wayne struggled to finish his race. Then, his classmates decided to step in and help.
They surrounded him, cheering him on and chanting his name as he ran toward the finish line.
Wayne’s mother, Diana Haselberger, was moved to tears by the kindness and support the other students showed her son.
“The tears of joy were just running down my face,” she told Mlive.com. “I just want to thank all the mothers in Paw Paw who have such wonderful children.”
Watch the awesome moment below:
CORRECTION: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated Paw Paw Later Elementary School is in Minnesota. The school is in Michigan.
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