Sometimes my kid annoys the hell out of me.
There, I said it.
I know as I write this, there will surely be mothers out there clutching their pearls in shocked outrage over my horrible faux pas. How can I say such a thing about my precious child, they’ll say. I never lose my patience with my child, will be the mantra of others. Positive reinforcement would solve all of your problems, the “helpful” mothers will offer. Regardless of the judgment and the advice, I stand by my initial statement. Kids can be annoying as hell, and it’s OK to admit that.
There seems to be some sort of unspoken rule in mommy-land. You’re never supposed to say a negative thing about your child. Bless your heart if you ever admit to being frustrated with them. Though I have a special needs child, I find this to be an across-the-board rule that encompasses all breeds of mom. Admitting that your child is sometimes obnoxious is unacceptable. Acknowledging that you get frustrated with said child is akin to saying you can’t handle being a parent. You must be doing something wrong.
Except that’s not true.
We’re all human beings. Human beings get annoyed sometimes. They get annoyed over big things, and they get annoyed over little things. Some of the things you get annoyed about might make you feel a little guilty. That’s OK. That just means you have a capacity for self-evaluation.
You also might feel justified in feeling the way you do. That’s also OK. Again, you’re a human being. It’s OK to have feelings. That doesn’t make you a bad parent. It simply makes you an honest one.
So, next time little Johnny is pulling the cat’s tail for the 200th time in 30 minutes, realize it’s OK to feel a moment of frustration.
Just take a deep breath, and hold on until bedtime.
Read more from this blogger on Mama Crazycakes.
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