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You Know You're a Special Needs Parent When...

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The Mighty asked its readers for some examples of both the trying times and the wonderful moments as a parent to a child with special needs. We loved your answers.

You know you’re a special needs parent when…


Hands holding a stack of books with the text, "You're a walking medical dictionary"


An image of a pair of socks with the text, "When putting your child's socks on is a task that takes at least 15 minutes"


An image of a mom and baby with the text, "You can feel what your child wants before they even know what they want."


A photo of a dad holding his daughter on his shoulders with the text, "You're constantly surprised by your own courage. And by your child's courage."


An image of a baby with the text, "You understand that different is beautiful"


An image of a doctor with the text, "You're on a first name basis with all the staff at your doctor's office"


An image of a father and son with the text, "You've (almost) learned how to forgive yourself for not being perfect."


An image of a mother and daughter with the text, "You will never take your child's health for granted"


An image of a mother and daughter with the text, "You always know when to trust your instincts"


An image of a stack of papers with the text, "You've become an expert at complicated insurance paperwork"


An image of a mother bottle-feeding her baby with the text, "No matter how much you go without it, you'll never get used to the lack of sleep"


An image of a father holding his son on his shoulders with the text, "You've cried more times than you can count, but you've laughed just as many times"


An image of a mother grocery shopping with two kids and the text, "You've (almost) become immune to the looks others give you in public"


An image of a mother playing chess with two kids and the text, "You have to remind yourself 'normal' is a fluid concept"


An image of a woman with the text, "Any day your child keeps his/her pants on is a good day"


An image of a man and woman kissing with the text, "Nothing is more precious than those few rare moments of quiet around the house"


An image of a mother and daughter with the text, "You're capable of more love and strength than you ever thought possible"


An image of a mother, father and two kids with the text "You get invited to a restaurant and you laugh and laugh and laugh, and then decline the offer"


An image of a house with the text, "The neighbors begin to wonder why so many therapists are coming and going from your house all week"


An image of people celebrating, with the text, "You've learned to celebrate the little victories"

What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.

Originally published: June 4, 2015
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