Love Knitz
Spending today knitting and relaxing, Pluto TV for entertainment along with the county radio. Hope everybody enjoys the Eagles parade. #CraftingOnTheWeekend #knitting #BasementDweller #SolitaryWitch
Spending today knitting and relaxing, Pluto TV for entertainment along with the county radio. Hope everybody enjoys the Eagles parade. #CraftingOnTheWeekend #knitting #BasementDweller #SolitaryWitch
We are still in the process of organizing the basement into my living space/yarn studio – yes I’m keeping my bedroom upstairs, but this is transforming into a quiet area. With my uncle having very hard of hearing, he has to keep the television too loud and it drives my Misophonia to drink , not literally though thankfully. #knitting
#MentalHealth #SolitaryWitch #AutisticArtist #PersonalSpaces