We are. Teens. Friends and family. Mothers and fathers. Brothers and sisters. We are… a community of the friends, families and loved ones of teens lost to suicide. In the summer of 2016 our small town of Taos, New Mexico, experienced a cluster of teen suicides that rocked our way of life. Shocked and grieving, we’ve scrambled to find answers that eventually came from the girl who sits beside me in Language Arts. “If you see something, say something.” A simple action to combat a serious issue. We are… teens working to save the lives of teens.
#SeeSomethingSaySomething is a suicide prevention social campaign created for teens by teens. We believe a 140-character text can save a life. What’s your 140?
While few high school students considering suicide use telephone hotlines, we know teens in crisis are seeking help. Since August 1, 2013, Crisis Text Line has exchanged 25+ million messages with texters in need by providing a private and confidential method to connect – via text.
Teens. We use text to communicate everything — all the time. And that’s why Crisis Text Line is our service partner of choice. Crisis Text Line has a human-first policy and believes every texter deserves a human response. Teens seeking confidential crisis support via our #SEEsomethingSAYsomething app will always connect to a trained Crisis Counselor. 24/7. Free of service.
Crisis Text Line is on the frontline engaging texters in crisis. On average Crisis Text Line supports 50,000 texters per month, with an average eight active rescues per day.
Real-time crisis intervention + positive peer support is key to teen suicide disappearing from our reality. #SeeSomethingSaySomething