Today is Time To Talk Day here in the U.K.
So let’s talk. Ok, it’s me blabbering for now. Blabbering about that thing we all have, mental health, and what some may have, mental illness.
Now when it comes to these things, it’s good to see attitudes are changing for the better. Well, with some people anyway. Because the pain of prejudice and the sting of stigma are still very much present. When I think just of myself I know most people will hold certain misconceptions in regards to my illness, even if they have an open caring mind. Progress comes, but invariably progress is slow; in comparison, were I to detail my symptoms the progress of many would be fast out of the door!
However, for once I’m not not really talking about me today (“Thank Goodness!” I hear you cry), other than to say on Time To Talk Day I know very well indeed just how helpful talking can be.
So if you’re feeling a wish or a need to talk, you can. I’m here like to think I’ve got a good ear and a good shoulder. As much as I can babble, I can listen.
Things can seem so insurmountable at times, overwhelming. Crippling anxiety, the darkest depression. We can feel so terribly lost. If this is where you’re at, I’m so sorry for that. I know how difficult it can all be.
There are certain irrefutable facts in this world. Day will follow night. Big waves will crash on gentle shores. After Winter comes Spring. Please know, we’ll get through all of this. You are not walking alone.
So let’s sit together. Have a chat, in Messenger, over the phone, here at The Mighty, perhaps even in person. Because it’s Time To Talk Day, and maybe that’s just what you want/need to do right now.