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I just left the ER...I have done a first...I have sprained my throat/neck. I was napping and my pillow moved just right and my neck hyper-extended in such a manner that I woke up with a sharp pain in my throat (front of neck). The sharp pain quickly subsided but the ache is so intense. Swallowing food is quite painful too! So finally after 24 hours I hauled myself into the ER...for a sprain...will heal in 3-5 weeks. #ChronicPain #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #williteverstop #Tomorrowisanewday

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What goes along with a date

Ever have the days that you get multiple bursts of anxiety, seemingly out of nowhere, and then realize the date and remember it has negative emotions attached from several years ago? #Oneofthosedays #williteverstop

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Family Legacy

I was bullied relentlessly from 6th grade up through getting my college degree and again at my first job and even when I went back to college for my second degree. Then it went down to my children who were bullied in school and my nephews who have been bullied to. Some family legacy this is. #badfamilylegacy , #williteverstop , #NOMOREBULLIES , #TimetoStoptheBullying

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