My uncle has #CerebralPalsy. He has had it since birth. Last night, I joined him at a fundraiser for his day program where I got to watch him give a presentation using his #Zuvo to talk, since he is #Nonverbal nonverbal. I am so proud of all the hard work he has done to advocate for himself, and all the smiles he’s brought to the people around him. I am his legal guardian, and have been for just over a year. I love getting phone calls and emails from him! I especially enjoy the emails, because that means he is getting the most use out of his Zuvo! He also got his new wheelchair this past weekend, and he says it is so much more comfortable to sit in and easier to maneuver. Celebrating these things with him is so incredible. Watching him make these great strides is wonderful. I’m not sure how I got so lucky to have him for an uncle but I am certainly glad I’m his niece.