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I did it 😁

First off, thanks to everyone for your suggestions and encouragement. It means the world that I have all these people truly rooting for me - and not judging me if I can't get through.
But I did it! I put on my Lana Del Rey & Taylor Swift playlist and got stuck in. And now my sanctuary is restful again.
I've made the decision to keep my laundry basket out in the open, so I use it. I had it in my closet, and it was very much out of sight out of mind.
Thank you all again! I love this community, and I will absolutely do what I can to help and encourage others, as my spoons allow 💚 #Bipolar2 #BipolarDepression #ThankYou #Cleaning

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Have you ever tried “Junebugging”?

While some of us are trying to keep house this spring, others are trying to sneak in. We’re looking at you, June bugs. These beetles are an annual annoyance for many in the Eastern U.S. and Canada, but there’s something to be learned from them.

Learn more about “Junebugging” in this Mighty article: How ‘Junebugging’ Can Change the Way You Clean With ADHD

#Cleaning #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Autism #ADHD #CheerMeOn

How ‘Junebugging’ Can Change the Way You Clean With ADHD

"This cleaning method has made an unbelievable difference in the cleanliness of my home."
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3 days in a row #Cleaning #proud

Yes! Three days in a row I managed it to clean the kitchen after every meal with my family! It is so hard but I am proud!


I have no energy

Husband and I are having some family issues and it's caused a huge depressive episode for me and I just can't seem to pull myself out of it. It's an ongoing issue that doesn't look like it's going to be resolved anytime soon. I've dealth with depression on and off since my teens, so this is nothing new. I just haven't felt this low in years. I have absolutely zero energy and feel like I'm being physically weighed down which is making it feel worse. I tried to clean today and only swept and cleaned my windowsill. Husband and I always walk our dog in the morning and I asked him to come on another short one this afternoon. I managed it but I'm irritable and feel so low. Anyway I guess I'm just upset with how much I'm not doing. #Depression #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Cleaning #Fatigue

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House Cleaning Services Fremont

Not Your Average Cleaners is a professional cleaning service provider in Fremont. Our goal is to provide top of the line house cleaning services to our customers. We provide weekly, bi-weekly, and one-time cleanings to residential homes. We are skilled and well-equipped to serve you with a smile. Our team has products, techniques, and equipment that can make any job easier. Give us a call today at (510) 735-8720!

#housecleaning #cleaner #Cleaning #professional #Fremont #housecleaning #homeservice #cleaningcompany


Not cleaning my apartment is keeping me alive #SuicidalIdeation

A few weeks ago, I shared with my therapist that I was feeling a lot of shame about the state of my apartment. If I'm doing well, I clean the bathroom once a month. I am usually somewhat tidy in the kitchen. The rest of the apartment is a mess. My landlords don't provide recycling facilities and I can't bring myself to put my recycling items in the garbage so they just pile up. I have bags of non-perishable groceries sitting in the middle of the entryway from three weeks ago because I just haven't cared to put them away.
So as I cried about how ashamed I was about my apartment in my therapist's office, she asked if having a messy apartment was helping me in any way. Frankly, I thought that was a stupid question and told her that of course it wasn't.
However, I had the realization a few days ago that it is actually something that a part of me is doing to keep me from ending my life. I would feel so terrible for someone to have to clean up my apartment after I was gone. By keeping it dirty and messy, I am also keeping myself alive.
I definitely have a significant battle between the part of me that feels ashamed in the present and the protective part of me that is stopping me from cleaning up, but it is really good to know that it might actually be a good thing to have a dirty apartment.

#tenant #apartment #home #Cleaning #SuicidalIdeation #MentalHealth #Therapy #Depression #Anxiety #CPTSD #Shame



Thought I'd start the day off with decluttering my house ready for new furniture and other furniture being moved around after having a bad night.. Over did it, 🙄 now I have a banging headache and pulled my back lifting the bed too many times.. #Depression #MentalHealth #deClutter #messfree #Headache #Cleaning #Overdidit #tired

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My Tiny Kitchen #nourishmentbistro #Cleaning #Anxiety #DistractMe

I have been very ill of late, and not eating healthfully on top of it. My kitchen became, in a word, filthy, and I was deeply discouraged to even step into the space. Dirty dishes stacked in every empty space, my precious new blender used twice & left uncleaned, food & spices and spills everywhere.

Yesterday I had the energy to remedy all of that.
I washed the dishes.
Washed my blender.
Sanitized my counters.
Mopped my floor.
And put everything in its proper place.

And I know I need to do this daily so I can keep this vital space in my home functioning.
Because for me, Food is Medicine. I can't heal (or at least have less pain or feel good) if I can't access my blender, or the healthy ingredients I have for recipes that are stocked in my cabinets, fridge, and freezer.

I also need to work through my growing fear of going to the grocery store with my therapist. More often than not, I will make plans to shop, then cancel them.
If I don't regularly shop for fresh produce, or spices, or whatever I need for my staples and new recipes, I am sabotaging my health.

Here's to a New Beginning!😀


Could use some support

Dealing with anxiety attacks. Off of work 2 more weeks due to anxiety making me physically sick and exhausted. I don’t know if I can handle going back to work. I’ve been doing my job for 3 years no problem, but this year is taking its toll on me. It’s got me very stressed out. I clean a school, but with COVID I have to clean extra good. Disinfecting everything. I have to finish a classroom in a certain amount of time so I don’t get behind. Anyone have advice or relate? #Anxiety #AnxietyAttack #COVID19 #Cleaning

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What’s your favorite cleaning “hack”?

Whether it makes cleaning with your health condition or disability a lot easier or it’s a time saver on days where you’re always playing catch-up, share your go-to cleaning “hack” in the comments below! You never know, your tip may help out a fellow Mighty.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Trauma #PTSD #AutoimmuneDisease #Migraine #ChronicPain #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #Autism #Selfcare #Hacks #Cleaning #shortcuts #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe