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New Sticker For My New Seat #BackPain #MentalHealth #Fatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Fibromyalgia

My new seat for my wheelchair hasn’t come yet, but my sticker has…I have three stickers conveying this message to others on my wheelchair because there seems to be a misconception about wheelchair use and their users…
If you want this sticker or something like it there is a good variety on RedBubble.
Take care Mighty Warriors ❤️💕🌠🦄

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Reaching out #Depression #Anxiety #BPD #Borderline #Fatigue #Bipolar #MentalHealth #Support #checkin #Disorder

Hello, I'm seeking your support.

I was recently laid off from a job that I truly enjoyed. Over the past 10 years, I have grappled with depression and anxiety, and I have been taking medication for the past 4 years.

Losing my job has significantly exacerbated my feelings of depression and anxiety, to the point where most days, I struggle to get out of bed. I find myself spending the whole day eating, watching Netflix, and mindlessly scrolling through social media.

My job was a beacon of hope for me, especially after it took me 3 years to find a job following a 7-year tenure at my previous workplace. Now, I feel hopeless about finding another job. I am so drained and disheartened that I can't even muster the energy to work on my resume and start applying again. I keep asking myself, "What's the point?"

Especially considering that I'm a 38-year-old single woman, the thought of failing at everything and never achieving anything in life keeps taunting me. How can I start over at this age with nothing to build on?

In any case, I was hoping that you could provide me with some ideas and recommendations for sustainable morning and nighttime routines that could assist me during this challenging period.

Thank you very much 🤍

#52SmallThings #MightyTogether
#Trauma #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #CPTSD #Fibromyalgia
#ChronicFatigue #CheckInWithMe #Grief #ChronicDepression #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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#Insomnia #BPD #Anxiety #Fatigue

Wow... what I long night. This is the second night that my good old brain kept me wide awake. My thoughts are so loud and scattered. I feel everything, and every movement takes so much effort. So the plan is to take it easy today and be gentle with myself. I thought this quote was hilarious! (sorry if some people don't get my humor)

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When will terrible things stop to happen?

I'm so tired, devastated, exhausted...Just last week my dear cat passed away, just yesterday we scattered her ashes..
And just Friday evening there was a terrible senseless terrorist attack in my city😣Hundreds of people are dead or injured...Luckily my relatives, friends and me are safe...
I just can't bear all this any more...My heart is broken,my head is torn asunder becsuse of these last events...😖💔
#Grief #Fear #Anxiety #Fatigue #ChronicIllness #MultipleSclerosis #Depression

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Endometriosis and Work

Hi everyone. I’m seeking advice on how to navigate work life with this awful disease. I have had one lap back in Sept of 2021 where they found stage three endometriosis that spread to my bowels along with a softball size cyst on my right ovary. They were luckily able to remove the cyst piece by piece along my ovary and fallopian tube without having to cut me completely open.

The first year after my lap I noticed a significant improvement with pain and my periods were lighter. However, not long after that first year, the pain and heavy periods returned so much so that I’m struggling horribly in my career life due to the severity of pain and symptoms.

I’m now wondering how you all navigate/explain to your employer when/if you’re absent due to severe flare-ups.

#Endometriosis #ChronicPain #bowelendometriosis #Fatigue #nausea #Anxiety #Depression

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How I got to now with #Fibromyalgia and #FibroFog brain

I searched through all the groups to see which seemed applicable to where I am now. I was diagnosed with FMS 29 years ago, after experiencing - what was being called fibroitis by a mostly “it is real”-denying medical establishment - for many, many years of migraine, overwhelming fatigue, muscle pain, etc.

I read a book about what to pay attention to in your body in mid-life and suggestions of what it may be if you experience these symptoms kind of reference. It’s way easier now to find information, well, and disinformation, am I right?!?! At the time I was having such pain in my neck and shoulders and my back.

I was walking across an outer office, going to my own, when someone whacked me right across my upper back, later described by me: “it was a baseball bat.” But it was not. No one hit me. No one was there. It was the signal : THIS IS ABOUT TO GET VERY REAL. I didn’t know that then, but here, nearly 30 years later, yeah, so very real.
Anyway that book described what I was dealing with, called it by name. You may have fibromyalgia. Eureka!!
So it began - knowing what it is or what some things are - years of learning and suffering. Retiring helped a lot with the pain, because so much stress was lifted away. That was 17 years ago. And medication. Better body mechanics learned. All that goes with it. The fog and fatigue now seem like plagues. Muscle weakness.
I would love to get enough sleep.
If you are still reading this way too long missive, you will be glad to know I’m too foggy and tired to keep going for now. #FibroFog #Fatigue

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____ fills my cup.

When our figurative cup is empty, it means our energy is depleted, we’ve run out of spoons, and we’re at a greater risk of burning ourselves out. Stress, mental and physical illness, overwhelming responsibilities, and trying to meet unreasonable expectations can all take away from our cup.

So what can we do to refill our cup? As cliché as it sounds, self-care can bring us back to baseline. It’s important to balance obligations and tasks that require us to pour from our cups with activities that bring us joy and replenish our energy. These activities might look like returning to a favorite hobby or getting a full night’s sleep.

Do you know what fills your cup? How can you make replenishing your cup part of your daily routine?

It’s important to note that what works for one person might not work for someone else. Our health conditions can also make it easier for our cups to empty, as well as more difficult to fill back up. It’s all about finding the balance that works for you. 💖

#MightyMinute #selfcare #MentalHealth #SpoonieLifeHacks #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Fatigue #CheckInWithMe #Caregiving #Parenting #52SmallThings #RareDisease

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I'm tired of having to explain ____.

What symptom are you tired of explaining to others?

I feel like it comes with the territory of having a chronic physical or mental illness of any kind: We repeatedly have to explain our symptoms to others. While it’s nice that folks who don’t know what it’s like to live with a health condition want to learn more about how we’re affected by ours, it can be exhausting to serve as educators on our symptoms while dealing with those same symptoms.

For today’s Mighty Minute prompt, let’s have a good old-fashioned vent session. Sound off in the comments about the symptom you’re tired of explaining to others!

Here’s mine: I’m tired of having to explain my fatigue! Not only is fatigue a symptom of basically every mental and physical condition I live with, it is the one I am most consistently annoyed by and the one I am most self-conscious of. It doesn’t help when others ask why I’m so “lazy” or “tired” all the time. I can’t even begin to fathom the number of times I’ve had to explain to able-bodied people how my tired is far, far, far different from their tired. And that, no, drinking more water, getting more sleep, and going for a run first thing in the morning will not alleviate this kind of tired.

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fatigue #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #ChronicPain #Disability #RareDisease #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Schizophrenia #DissociativeIdentityDisorder #Migraine #Spoonie

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Cushing's diagnosis-questioning my dr

I have read up on #CushingsSyndrome for quite some time given I have the physical appearance symptoms that come with that dx and all of the body dysfunction symtoms like extreme #Fatigue , poor wound healing, #Anxiety /depression, I've even broken bones from a fall that shouldn't have resulted in a break. I tested positive for too much cortisol for a low dose overnight dexamethasone test. Since I tested positive for the low dose they did a high dose suppression test which from all my results is used to differentiate why the cortisol was high in the first test. My endo messaged me after the second test and basically said nm your #Cortisol levels are normal?!? We're not going to look in to all your symptoms any further. WTH? What would you guys do if you were in my position?

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