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25 Texts to Send a Loved One Living With Depression

While a text message can’t cure depression, it can remind someone of their worth and let them know they’re not alone. But it can be tricky to know what to say — especially if you don’t understand what it’s really like to experience depression.

“People who are depressed know that they’re not in a desirable condition, and yet they still want to be viewed as desirable,” Shenell D. Evans, Ph.D., a psychologist in New York, told The Mighty. “Compassionate expressions are more likely to help people move in a healthy direction. How many of us might feel lured out of sadness when someone expresses they miss or need us?!”

Evans recommended “openly acknowledging their struggle without adding negativity.” You can do this by neutrally describing signs your loved one may be struggling and letting them know you’re there for them, even if they don’t have the energy to reach back out. Avoid tough love or sarcastic comments and refrain from negative judgments.

To help you brainstorm some messages to send your friend, we asked our Mighty community what text they’d like to receive in the midst of depression. If someone in your life needs a little reminder that could go a long way, here are some messages that might inspire you to send a text of your own.

Here’s what they told us:


i'll give you time and i'll be here when you're ready. i promise.


2.  i'm beginning to understand how loud silence can be. forgive me for not standing still enough to hear yours. i'm listening.



i can't begin to imagine what you're going through, but know that i'm here for you.


4.  i'm so glad you're here.



you matter.


i know this is hard, but i will not give up on you.


7.  no matter how dark your days get, i'll be here for you. i'm just a phone call or a text away.

8. don't let the darkness steal the beautiful person you have inside.


  you are enough.



if you want to talk about how you're feeling, i'll listen.


is there anything i can do?


this isn't your first or last dark time. i know you can get through this one.

13.  i'll be there to hug you when the sun comes up.

14.  i can't even pretend to know what you're going through, but you aren't alone and you are cared for.


you are never a burden.


wanted to remind you that you are loved. i know things are hard right now, and that's OK. you don't have to do this alone.


i'm not going anywhere.

18.  remember who you were before the darkness stole your light.


you will NOT let these bad thoughts win.


your success rate of surviving days like these so far is 100%. based on your track record, you've got this.

21.  you are important in my life.


do what you can do right now, and no more than that. that's all the universe expects of you.

23.  you make my life better just by being in it.

24.  you are not a disappointment.

25.  i will always have your back.

Keep in mind that even if your friend with depression isn’t up for answering your messages right away or doesn’t show immediate signs of improvement, that’s OK. Supportive texts remind your loved ones they’re not alone, and that, Dr. Evans said, is important for the journey out of depression.

“Compassionately hold space for them by acknowledging how they’re doing,” Evans said. “Offer what you can in terms of tangible or intangible support. Express your desire for them to feel better. View your words and actions as seeds that you can water and nurture, rather than service or advice that isn’t being heeded.”

Getty image by Tippapatt

Originally published: February 9, 2016
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