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30 Quarantine Crafts People Are Doing to Pass the Time During COVID-19

Editor's Note

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It’s day ????? of lockdown and if you’re anything like me, you’re probably feeling pretty bored right now. After all, there are only so many Netflix shows you can watch in one sitting.

By now, you’ve probably pulled out your long-forgotten knitting basket and re-taught yourself to knit. Or perhaps you’ve rekindled your love of finger painting. Maybe you’re trying your hand at cake decorating.

Whatever craft you’re dabbling in these days, you’re not alone! We wanted to know what crafts people are doing to pass the time in quarantine, so we asked our community to share photos of their quarantine crafts.

Here’s what our community shared with us:

1. “I’m a hobby baker and started doing thank you cookies for my doctor’s office!” — Jessica C.

medical-themed cookies

2. “Used this time to stock up on my sculptures so I actually have a full table at the next craft fair… whenever they happen again.” — Gina B.

Tree sculpture

3. I’ve been crocheting giraffes in honor of a friend’s daughter who passed away.” — Maria K.

crocheted giraffes

4. I’ve been doing some embroidery, really enjoying it. It’s helped my anxiety so much!” Justine A.

shark embroidery

5. “Me and my daughter made some paper flowers.” — Jade P.

little girl holding paper flowers

6. “I’m a U.K.-based wildlife artist, so I am busy getting on with work for that while furloughed from my other jobs.” — Liselle F.

pictures of wildlife: cheetah, dog, etc,

7. Over 700 masks made and given away. Have been mailing them all over the country to anyone who needs/wants, free of charge, but people have donated to help cover shipping and it’s been great! Will keep going as long as I’m able!” — Cassie E.

700 hand-sewn face masks

8. “Painted my basement wall.” — Meg B.

basement wall painting of four people

9. “An accent wall in my bedroom.” — Hanoni A.

bedroom geometric painting

10. This is a baby blanket I’ve started for baby #3. I’m also working on a 12-pointed star blanket for my sister-in-law, who is due around the same time I am.” — Bethany B.

rainbow baby blanket

11. “I’ve been making face masks and tiny hats for cats.” — Himmatpreet K.

cat with knitted pirate hat

12. “My quarantine macramè.” — Silvia G.

macrame wall hanging

13. “Now that I have time to actually concentrate on drawing I like to draw realistic portraits.” — Ella K.

portrait of a girl

14. “I started painting watercolors last year. I can’t take any classes right now and have been unmotivated and uninspired to paint since the quarantine. So, I recruited a friend to help me paint 90 little watercolor pictures, 1 for each resident at a local nursing home along with some encouraging messages from students (we both teach). It gave us a purpose to pick up the brush and felt good when we accomplished our goal.” — Rebecca L.

watercolor paintings

15. “I’ve also been making wreaths!” — Alison C.


16. “I’m not done with it yet, but I decided I needed to up my knitting game and challenge myself with an octopus sweater.” — Karen R.

knitted octopus sweater

17. “I have been decorating sunglasses, it’s quick and satisfying.” — Heather B.

decorated sunglasses

18. Upcycled a chest of draws for my baby girl due in the autumn, the top draw is just drying. I was beginning to really dip in mood, having nothing to do all day and being stuck with my thoughts, it’s mad how much these projects have helped me!” — Katie S.

upcycled dresser

19. “I cross stitch swear words.” — Jennifer M.

"well shit" embroidery

20. “My army of crustaceans.” — Ashlyn F.

felt crabs

21. “I’ve been knitting this cardigan, nearly finished, although I have changed the bottom two colors since this photo was taken!” — Shulaugh C.

knitted cardigan

22. “Made my first quilt for my daughter who is due with her first in a month. I’ve never really sewed before, so this was huge for me!” — Denise G.


23. “I’ve been sewing tote bags! I’ve created 12 so far. It keeps me focused on the task at hand, not the withering of the world.” — Nona J.

cloth bags

24. “First attempt at making a custom controller. Turned out well! Did it with my sister which was a lot of fun!” — Cassie M.

game controller

25. Submitted by Nicola B.

26. “Teaching myself to crochet, I’m making a mouse for every day of self-isolation.” — Chris K.

crocheted mice

27. My current cross stitch work in progress. Carrie Fisher was my mental health hero. ‘Take your meds, live to flip off the world another day, make space mom proud.’ The little repetitive stitches are a very good distraction from my anxiety (GAD) and depression (MDD).” — Jenn W.

rebel crochet

28. “I’ve been sharpening my fluid art skills by practicing geodes. I run a small art business and donate a portion of every proceeds to a local mental health charity Mindful Splotches— Stefany A.


29. “My son and I did this.” — Kellie W.

hearts on door

30. “Separation hearts made for residential homes to give to family.” — Tracy L.

sewn "separation" hearts

Concerned about coronavirus? Stay safe using the tips from these articles:

Originally published: May 6, 2020
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