We are trying again, I mean I’m trying again and I feel empty.
After a talk about you let me go and a few hours after, me begging you not to leave I think I deserve be treated like shit.
Why you don’t love me? Why you don’t like me? Why I feel you are distant, absent.
I feel it because you are distant and absent and it’s nothing wrong with that, you already feel that this is not gonna wor, but I’m being stubborn and I want to keep you in my life.
Everything you say or ask I say yes, I had lost my entire dignity went agains my principles but you can’t see it, you don’t even bother asking.
Hey Mike, It’s hurting me and I don’t have the courage to finish this up.
What about if I start taking some distance? Instead of texting you first everyday I will stop and already know the answer but at least the fall won’t be heartbreaking.
I’m sorry for being such a stupid, hopeless and bad person, I deserve distance and I deserve your absence.
I’m dealing out and I’m panicking because I know already you’re gone.