I am facing a huge milestone in just a few more days, and I find that I have a great need to talk about how my life has changed since I was introduced to behavioral health care.

I was introduced to art as therapy when the extreme symptoms of mental illness led me into the hospitalization for the breakdown that eventually led me to American homelessness.

Those few words of introduction are filled with decades of painful memories, and I vividly remember the desperation I felt when the faulty chemical structures of my brain were fully in charge of my life.

I needed answers about "what was happening to me," and it has taken many years for me to learn to take my place in the driver's seat of my thinking lines.

Hospitalization and years of outpatient care have been the vehicle I needed to help bring peace to my life, and I am now experiencing even greater peace of mind since I have begun to organize my thoughts and chronicle the process of my healing journey.

The milestone on my horizon is the anniversary of my high school graduation. I can hardly fathom the fact that it has been 50 years since I graduated;, and I need a way to make sense of the timeline that has been filled with so much trauma.

During those years, I have experienced some of the best, AND some of the worst treatment that has been available for those of us who rely on low-income health care.

I have experienced great challenge, great growth and great healing, so I am actually looking forward to the process of chronicling my stories!!

Relationships and community have always been a challenge, because it is difficult to find a community where it is possible to speak freely about mental illness and not be shamed, bullied, or misjudged about how I say what I need to say.

I joined The Mighty in 2018, but have been out of touch with the community for a long time. My life circumstances are more stable now than they have ever been, and I hope to remain consistent in connection to the community this time around.

I am grateful to still be alive, and appreciate this opportunity to engage in conversation with those who understand these challenges.

I'm grateful for your presence, and look forward to the growing season ahead. Thank you for creating this space to embrace that process.

#acesrecoveryzone #aces #ACEsAware