#ADHD #adhdwomen #adhdcoach I have been a follower of The Mighty for chronic health issues for at least a decade now, but just recently realized the ADHD community that exists on here. As an ADHD life coach I dedicate my life to advocating for the ADHD community and helping whomever I can to manage the challenges their ADHD brings to their lives while harnessing its strengths. I'm very proud of the journey I've started and just wanted to share how life changing it has been to look at my brain for what it is and accept it. I used to have so much self hate, but about a year ago I learned that hate doesn't make my life better. I still don't like having to fight myself to do certain tasks, but the kindness I now show myself has made a world of difference to my mood and health in general. This post isn't to boost my coaching, but to share that I have turned this disability around to help others struggling. I have cried so many times from the hurt this disorder can cause, and am just thankful that after all those years I finally received a diagnosis explaining why I am the way I am. Getting that answer almost 2 years ago turned my entire world view upside down and was the start of this incredible journey to healing my inner child who was so very neglected by far too many adults. Knowing the way my brain works has helped me overcome many of the challenges a neurotypical society creates for ADHDers. And lastly, having hope that I can find where I belong created a whole new path for my life; one that brought me to this new job and a more peaceful life. I am proud of what I have built, and plan to continue growing and helping as many other people as I can!