I flip flop. After 30 yrs with suicide ideation, I began to understand and get a grip on it. I was beaten, physically and mentally abused by one of the best.

As I healed from the abuse, I was able to self-coach and ask myself...what do I need right now? Addressing that whether it be companionship, a hug, time with a friend, healthy food, sleep, etc., suicide ideation instances dropped significantly.

Then, I was poisoned with Gadolinium Toxicity. A new type of physical pain. My body is on fire 24x7. Self describing myself as a chicken just fresh out of the deep fat fryer and still sizzling. It's been 2 yrs. in April. Physically, I'm treating the Gadolinium. But sleep is non-existent, bone pain is horrific. So, now what...the suicidal thoughts return with a vengeance somedays.

The reason for this reply...I started working with a counselor who specializes in Brainspotting, similar to EMDR only it works more quickly. It's non-invasive- meaning I don't have to subject myself to pharmaceutical drugs.

Always, there are ways to overcome the horror suicide and pain bring on.

Stay hopeful everyone. K ow that you can make it one more day and everything in life is temporary.

Please reach out...ask for help if you need it. DM me...if you want. I believe something good comes from everything in life. Sometimes we just need a reminder or the support and caring of another human who understands and won't judge.

In kindness,
#ChronicIllness #gadolinium #advocate4you