The 5 Physical Symptoms of Anxiety I Experience
Most people don’t realize how many physical symptoms of anxiety there are. Anxiety is all in the mind, right? Wrong. Anxiety can affect your whole body.
Here are five physical symptoms of anxiety I experience:
1. Exhaustion.
Feeling tired is the body’s natural reaction to any kind of stress. Along with the psychological fatigue, the sleep disturbances that anxiety causes can increases tiredness.
2. Nausea.
It feels like your stomach is churning, kind of like you’re on a roller coaster and can’t get off. The surge of adrenaline and cortisol from the body’s “fight or flight” response cause the body to physically react, causing nausea.
3. Change in body temperature.
Either extreme sweating and hot flushes from the adrenaline your body is pumping around your body, or feeling ridiculously cold and not being able to get warm.
4. Stomach problems.
From a mild stomach discomfort from the constant muscle tension to feeling like your appendix is about to burst, anxiety can cause a whole host of embarrassing stomach issues.
5. Uncontrollable shaking.
The rush of adrenaline around the body causes certain muscles to twitch uncontrollably, meaning ridiculous trembling that you cannot control.
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