Need advice from parents with physical disabilities.
I have a two-month old and I have been pushing her around in a portable bassinet when we need to go room to room to make lunch or whatever. the problem is she's about to outgrow her bassinet and I won't be able to push her room to room anymore. I am currently having issues falling and getting dizzy I do wear her when I use my rollator or I'm not too dizzy but that can be a lot and super hard on my back or I'm too dizzy to safely do that so it a not always an option. Anyone have suggestions for adaptive products to help carry/ hold baby /transport room to room??
#EDS #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #OrthostaticHypotension #AutonomicDysfunction #PosturalHypotension #ChronicPain #Parentingwithdisability #assiativetechnology #MobilityAids