was kind of wondering if I might have undiagnosed adhd because of the prevalence of it in my sister and dad because my ability to pay attention to and process pretty much anything from intellectual matter to regular conversations has gotten so much more impossible that usual in the last 2 weeks. but after a call to my psychiatrist and having her remind me of my alcohol intake.... I'm now panicking I have brain damage :). I've had a tendency to have 1-2 drinks most nights for the last few years with about 2 months worth of days overall (not consecutively) sober.... I've never hated myself more 😭🤦‍♀️ #Drinking #attentionproblems #ADHD

* I have had symptoms of adhd since childhood and persistently got low grades in school which i think promoted my depression, thinking I'm stupid - it just only got worse and unmanageable in the last 2 weeks. which is NOT good because I have an exam on Monday!!!!