I finally got new AFOs after my old ones sorely needed retirement. I wear bilateral AFOs because I am very good at spraining my ankles. Before I got AFOs, I wore ankle aircasts, but my doctor prescribed AFOs after I tore a ligament while watching TV (yes, I’m that talented).
Anyway, my new AFOs are slightly different than my old ones and I struggled to find shoes to fit them, mostly because my foot is naturally shaped weird and the AFO only accentuates that (I have three extra sesamoids per foot, collapsed arches, and my foot is literally the length and width of a standard brick, not to mention I have an extremely high instep at 3in tall).
I ended up getting Billy Shoes (will add a link at the bottom), but I had to get men’s because of my weird foot proportions (who cares no biggy— just mentioning in case anyone else has a similar shoe-finding challenge).
Something that also helped was doing bar lacing instead of the standard crisscross lacing; it relieves pressure on the top of the foot and gives more length to the laces for tying.
That’s all just wanted to share this in case anyone else is struggling!

#AFOs #billyshoes #EDS
#EhlersDanlosSyndrome #HypermobileTypeEDS #AFOproblems