So I’ve recently been making changes and taking more charge of things in my life. This has been an ongoing quest for years. I don’t know my biological father. I would like to though…at least know a name. I was raised by a woman who claimed to be a mother, but the older I get, the more I realize she wasn’t really a mother. She was the incubator God chose for me to be present on this Earth. Obviously there is a history between this woman and myself. At this point I would consider myself to be an orphan simply because she was not a “mother” she was not “nurturing” she was simply a body. As a child I knew my household was different. As a teenager I obeyed all the strict rules (to avoid the beatings/punishments). As a young adult I separated myself. Now as a middle aged adult I tried to forgive, brought myself back around & found this woman indeed was not a mother & that I actually (now a parent myself) not only took care of myself but also took care of her, just as my aunts & uncles did. What I once thought was a stable childhood really was not and found that my Aunts, Uncles and Grandmother took a large hand in my care growing up. This journey has brought me to a point where I am faced with choices that I just don’t seem ready to make, but know how I feel and can honestly say this woman was never a “mother” she was just a body in the house I was told to call home! There is more to come with this sorry….#Answers #biologicalfather