5 Things I'm Committing to in 2020 to Keep My Mental Health in Check
Let’s face it, setting New Year’s resolutions when you have uncontrollable and racing thoughts, not to mention emotions that are often all over the place, can be unrealistic. Yes, we want to be like everyone else and set those yearly goals, but if we are truly honest with ourselves, it can be hard to do. That’s why for 2020, I think it’s time to end the cycle of setting goals for the new year, and set realistic expectations that will enable us to live a more productive and a better quality of life. Here are some things I am doing to ensure my mental health is in check … I hope you join along.
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1. Setting to-do lists the night before or as soon as I get up.
To-do lists are essentially the same thing as setting New Year’s resolutions, only on a daily basis. When you create to-do lists, you are able to chart your progress better. For instance, establishing a routine for your mental health such as exercising, yoga, talking to your therapist or whatever you do can be placed on your list to accomplish for that day.
2. Committing to at least two therapy sessions a month.
Talking to a therapist can really help with identifying what triggers you have and how you can overcome them. If you don’t want to talk to a therapist, then commit to talking to someone such as a life coach who can help you create a tailored plan for your overall well-being.
3. Taking self-love time at least once every other month.
I can honestly say I allow my mental health to fluctuate between depression and go-getter, so now for 2020, I promised myself to set a self-love day for myself to go to the nail salon, hair salon or spa. I also enjoy painting.
4. Take an inexpensive trip.
I hate spending money, but I love to travel. Kind of an oxymoron, but if you can take an inexpensive trip to a neighboring state or city, it can help you to enjoy a change of atmosphere. I traveled a lot in the past year and I love California.
5. Start a new hobby or learn something new.
My brain is always going, but sometimes I don’t have the energy or desire to get things done, especially if I start it. So now I start projects that I force myself to finish. Something simple like coloring a page in a coloring book, writing an article, finishing a non-credit course at the community college or online. Anything that will help me learn a little more and keep me engaged in the game.
There are many other things I have promised myself I will do for the new year, but the first thing I will continue to do is put my mental wellness first. I will commit to those things that help me get out of my rut and become determined to live my life as I need to, not as it has been going. When we allow our condition to get the best of us, we are not living our lives on our terms. The best thing about many mental conditions is they can be managed, but we have to be willing to manage them.
So let’s get out there and live 2020 like it was made just for us!
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