#52SmallThings: A Weekly Self-Care Challenge

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#52SmallThings: A Weekly Self-Care Challenge
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TRUE or FALSE: I consider myself a responsible person.

Nothing says "welcome to being an adult" more than the stockpile of ✨responsibilities✨ that come with it.

These responsibilities can look like managing your health and household, taking care of family and pets, or even maintaining different relationships or roles in your life. Depending on your personal circumstances, maintaining and keep up with those responsibilities may look different for each of us.

In general, would you consider yourself a responsible person? Or is it something you’re actively working toward? (No judgment if there’s room for growth!)

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #Selfcare #MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Anxiety #Depression
#Autism #Parenting #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #MultipleSclerosis #Migraine #Spoonie

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Write 1-3 sentences about the "turning point" in your health journey that’s had the most profound effect on you.

Let’s end this week of storytelling by — finally! — sharing a piece of our health journeys.

For today’s activity, we want you to write 1-3 sentences in the comments (or in your own post) about what you consider the "turning point" in your health journey to be — that one event or moment that’s had a significant effect on you. This could be when you received your diagnosis, the moment you decided to seek treatment, or even a time of clarity or hardship that changed or shifted your perspective.

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks says her turning point was the moment she decided to quit her food service job and look for a therapist. This moment was the first time she put herself and her needs before anything else.

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #Selfcare #MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Anxiety #Depression
#Autism #Parenting #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #MultipleSclerosis #Migraine #Spoonie

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When you share your story, what are the main takeaways you want people to understand about you?

First things first: It’s impactful, powerful, and brave to share what you’ve experienced in your life. But here’s the next question on our minds: Are you telling your story in a way that’s resonating the way you want? Has your audience grasped what you’ve shared and taken in the message you want to convey?

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks wants people to understand the importance of self-care, support, and community in moments of isolation and crisis.

What takeaway do you want others to walk away with when it comes to your story?

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #Selfcare #MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Anxiety #Depression
#Autism #Parenting #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #MultipleSclerosis #Migraine #Spoonie

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When I share my story, I need _________ from that person or audience.

Sharing your story can make you feel a lot of things — overwhelmed, intimidated, liberated, and/or rewarded depending on where you are in your health or recovery journey. It can also feel like all the adjectives above at once.

Everyone has different levels of comfort and needs in times of vulnerability, and both parties can benefit from the telling or receiving of what you have to say.

When you are sharing your story, what do you need from the person or audience that’s listening to you? What would help you to feel safe and comfortable?

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks says when she shares her story, she needs the audience to listen quietly and empathetically — and not try to interject. She feels most safe when she has the space to think through what she’s saying and finish sharing her thoughts thoroughly.

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #Selfcare #MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Anxiety #Depression
#Autism #Parenting #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #MultipleSclerosis #Migraine #Spoonie

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Choose one
4 weeks left
I pride myself on my vulnerability.
I’m comfortable with being vulnerable.
I’m vulnerable around certain people.
Not at all, I keep everything inside.
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Who could benefit from hearing your story?

We’re going back to our truest roots for this week’s self-care theme — storytelling.

Here on The Mighty, there are so many amazing people who share their experiences daily. We all benefit, resulting in a community for those who may share a diagnosis, have a similar experience, or can simply gain perspective through others’ vulnerability.

One thing we know for sure is that each of our stories are important and worth sharing (yes, yours too!), especially in those moments when we need support and a listening ear. When we share our stories, we not only build community, but we also let others know they are not alone.

Who could benefit from hearing yours?

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #Selfcare #MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Anxiety #Depression
#Autism #Parenting #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #MultipleSclerosis #Migraine #Spoonie

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I’d like to improve my communication skills by…

Friday has come at last, Mighties! Great job with this week's self-care challenge .👏

Our final activity will be to reflect and share about how we can improve our own communication skills.

Mighty staffer @sparklywartanks would like to improve her communication skills by being more confident in her own voice and speaking up more.

Share how you would like to improve in the comments below 👇

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #Selfcare #MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Anxiety #Depression
#Autism #Parenting #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #MultipleSclerosis #Migraine #Spoonie

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What are some situations where you struggle to communicate effectively?

No matter how long you've known someone or been in a situation or circumstance, sometimes it's still super challenging to communicate effectively. No judgment here, we totally get it. 🙋

@sparklywartanks says she struggles to communicate effectively when she feels uncomfortable, anxious, or around someone she hasn't spoken to in a long time.

What about you? In what situations is it challenging for you to communicate effectively?

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #Selfcare #MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RareDisease #Anxiety #Depression
#Autism #Parenting #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #MultipleSclerosis #Migraine #Spoonie

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