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Ryan Gosling Finds the Perfect Way to Honor Young Man Who Died From Cancer

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Ryan McHenry, a Scottish filmmaker best known as the creator of the Vine (short video clip) series called “Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat His Cereal,” died of bone cancer on Sunday, May 3, according to Time. He was 27.

In the Vines, compiled into one YouTube video below, McHenry made it appear that Ryan Gosling was rejecting a spoonful of cereal by combining humorously aligned clips taken from interviews and movies. They quickly went viral when he began posting them in 2013.

On Monday, to honor his departed fan, Gosling posted a Vine of himself finally eating that big spoonful of cereal.


The two had communicated via Twitter in the month before McHenry died, and Gosling admitted that he actually loved cereal.

My heart goes out to all of Ryan McHenry’s family and friends,” Gosling said on Twitter on Monday. “I feel very lucky to have been a part of his life in some small way.”

The actor’s Vine, which has already been shared over 70,000 times in 14 hours, serves as a unique and touching tribute to a departed fan. Rest in peace, McHenry.

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The Mighty, in partnership with Fuck Cancer, is asking the following: Write a letter to yourself in regards to a cancer diagnosis. What would you say or wish someone had told you? Find out how to email us a story submission here.

Originally published: May 5, 2015
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